Upcoming Events

Pelham Oaks 2024-2025 School Supply List (click image below): 
School Supply List

February Happenings

School Calendar Link
2024/2025 PCS School Calendar

Be kind, be a leader, be you!

Our Mission

At Pelham Oaks Elementary, we are lifelong learners who are committed to leading respectfully and cooperating with others to positively impact our school and community.

Immunization Reminder
Click here for important information for students who will be going into 6th grade at Pelham Park Middle School.

Lunch Visitors

If you plan to attend lunch with your student, please visit the Visitors & Volunteers page for details, complete the Lunch Notification Form, and follow the Lunch Visitors guidelines.


Publix Partners

Publix Partners is an easy way for you to support our school at the  checkout as you shop at Publix. Sign up with a Publix.com account, go to your profile and select "My Publix Partner", and choose "Pelham Oaks Elementary" as your partner. When checking out type in your phone number on the keypad.  Thank you for supporting our school!

The Alabama Literacy Act

The Alabama Literacy Act was established to ensure students are able to read at or above grade level by the end of the 3rd grade. Click here to learn more about our multi-tiered approach to evaluating our students' progress
